Jazz the Dog Relocation from Indonesia to Darwin.

Its Been a long journey for Jazz, the beautiful Rottweiler whom we are relocating from Indonesia to Darwin, Australia. She had her final vet check in Malaysia last week before flying to Melbourne for a mandatory ten days stay with Australian Quarantine, then she will board the final flight to Darwin where her family will be reunited after 8 months….nearly home, Our Jetfast Pet Express/Furbaby Pet Relocation Team will miss you here in Malaysia. so much so we have put together this little video package for you. Watch it here on out facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/FurBabyPetRelocations/videos/1096446377163849/?hc_ref=ARQOjALtcfX0wRkqXvX321kCXKnCzBb6uCDws9FwO9jKaQe8n2ds62ryZS2KJARtSWw


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